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Come Together: Introducing our Advisory Network

We hope that you and your family are staying healthy in these extraordinary times.

We have been working away here in Boulder, CO, architecting the future of food. Many days feeling like Sisyphus and the boulder rolling down on us as we challenge the linear food, packaging, and waste systems while trying to launch a business during a pandemic.


A familiar African proverb states, "It takes a village to raise a child," meaning that an entire community of people must interact with children for those children to experience and grow in the community creating virtuous community circles.

And we learned quickly that it takes a village to take on the linear food system. Still, fortunately, some allies have stepped up to share their wisdom and passion for bringing good into the world with us.

We are truly humbled and honored by this group of superheroes who chose to enter the belly of the beast with us, not knowing where this rabbit hole might end.

Incredible people behind Future Fit Foods
Future Fit Foods Advisory Network

Top (from left to right): Vineet Bewtra, Sharon Chang, John Elkington, Olga P. Garcia, Adrian Jarvis, Katherine Johnson; Bottom: Chid Liberty, William McDonough, Tina Owens, KoAnn Vikoren Skrzyniarz, Maja Tillmann, Chef Søren Westh.

Our fellow adventurers have 100’s of years of combined experience in the areas of circularity, impact investing, culinary arts, restaurants, nutrition, food science, finance, impact investing, architecture, design, law, brand strategy, entrepreneurship, regenerative agriculture, packaging, media, agroecology, and film amongst others. Simply put, these people rock!

You can read about these most excellent human beings here.

We want to thank each of them for being generous with their time, ideas, and honored that they were willing to put their names behind what we are trying to do.

And taking liberties with the Beatles,

“He say one and one and one is three. Come together, right now.”

Stay tuned in our next blog and via social media on instagram and twitter @futurefitfoods as we begin to share our journey with you, leading to our big pre-sale campaign coming soon.

With gratitude,

Paloma and Sean

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